Assessment Facts

…the best artifacting is done during recording, and if the auto-artifacting can usually do the most necessary cleaning when there isn’t major artifact, why bother to have the manual override…

General Training A-L

…wider (slower) and narrower (faster) patterns, again, that’s probably something “mechanical” rather than “organic”. Sudden spikes, especially when they are repetitive, probably also indicate a problem. Artifact in Assessments Artifacting…

TQ vs. Other Methods

…of training the word artifact was never mentioned. Since the primary protocol and electrode placements are T3T4, these sites as you know are riddled with artifact and if one is…

Autonomic Tone Issues

…the signal is affected by artifact. Train the prefrontal with HEG. High Coherences in All Locations and Frequencies I’d start by looking for electromagnetic artifact or muscle tension. This would…

General Information on HEG

…blink signals and brain signals, so it includes these eye blinks in the EEG we are training. It is called “artifact” because it is not really from the brain. It…

Coherence and Synchrony

…that there was some muscle or electromagnetic artifact, either of which can cause coherence values to rise artificially (since the signal is coming from the same place–the muscle). Phase is…

Design Updates

…Removed BAL4C Alpha Beta in favor of 2 channel reversal training March 3, 2018 BAL4C RH Bipolar- Changed channel 2 reward threshold to dual to block eye blink artifact. February…


…full understanding of your equipment. Recognize artifact in the EEG signal and minimize it in assessment and training sessions. Assess the client’s symptom constellation, goals and brain activation patterns and…

Hardware – Amplifiers

…directly without requiring the interface board. With the latest version of BE, you can do a complete 20-channel assessment in less than half an hour, including artifacting and loading into…