TQ7 Trainer’s Q with Auto Plan

(4 customer reviews)


Assessment by trainers for trainers. A full 20-site qEEG provides a high-definition view of the brain, with individualized summary report and Whole-Brain training plan with no additional costs in 30 minutes. Do-it-yourself qEEG that compares your brain, not against averages, but against peak brains and tells you how to change it.  Requires full license of Microsoft Office Excel 32 bit (even on 64 bit Windows) with macro capability. For Brain-Trainer for BioEra, BioExplorer.



TQ7 Trainer’s Q

Version 7.5  Gather a 20-site map of brain activity in less than 25 minutes with the TQ7.
Remove artifact and produce a customized whole-brain training plan in 5 minutes.
Fully automatic–with manual override if you choose.
No costs or delays
Integrated with your brain-trainer training designs

Use the same hardware and software you use to train.

The fastest, most practical, client-centered cost-effective system.

Trainer's Q Brain Pattern Findings
TQ7 Brain Pattern Findings

At Brain-Trainer we believe “Less is More”. Population-based QEEG’s are great for research, but they cost more, take longer and don’t focus on your practical questions. They can’t distinguish between useful and problematic variances, so they risk training down the client’s strengths. By skipping the database, the TQ7 leaves out the mountains of data and the focus on “average” to identify those tendencies related to training goals. You can gather, artifact and load the data from 20 sites in 25 minutes and produce a Whole-Brain training plan and Client Pattern Summary within 3-5 more! There’s less unnecessary data, less chance of negative response, less processing delay and fees. That means more focus on critical training issues, more immediately, and more cost-effectively in a complete, integrated assessment and training system that leaves $4,000-$8,000 MORE in your pocket!

TQ7 is a single user license. Available for use on one computer. All assessments/reports generated are portable to secondary computers.

The TQ7 license is non-transferable and cannot be sold.



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4 reviews for TQ7 Trainer’s Q with Auto Plan

  1. Tess Lawson, No Stress Success NeuroFeedback Clinic

    I don’t know if anyone has said this to you yet, but as far as innovation and ‘bringing the goods to the people’ – you and your TLC7AP are about as close to Bill Gates and the Personal Computer (PC) in the Neurofeedback world as it gets… This TLC7AP is Amazing, Amazing, Amazing.

    For what it may or may not be worth, my [sentient automation] comment was to emphasize the brilliance of your work in creating the TLC7AP; in 2006 I was awarded a Canadian National Research (NRC) Grant to put Trust and Tax Law into a ‘Expert System’ aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), online. The project had me work with some great inventors and software engineers in Canada in this discipline.

    What I am experiencing with your TLC7AP, and being that it only took me exactly 6 minutes to figure out and put into full utilization, is that you and your ‘Expert System’ have pretty much ‘nailed it’ when it comes to what we had always referred to as the Best Practise approach for a sentient AI system.

    I have only thought of tackling other global sectors ie. Education, Medical etc but I did put a lot of effort, practise and research as well as Canadian Government resources into creating one for the Legal system.

    In summary, I think the AI approach that is found in your TLC7AP might lend itself to creating Expert Systems for these other global sectors with the required effort and resource in its’ adaptation.

    With much admiration and gratitude for your work.

  2. Birgit

    Congratulations, TLC7 assessment is really wonderful and a piece of cake. I am really excited as this will save me a lot of time.

  3. Claudius Nagel, Germany

    First of all I want to express my appreciation and gratitude for Petes work and efforts on the TLC7 and the brain-trainer system. I am REALLY convinced of these assessment and training tools and do profit a lot from them in daily neurofeedback practice!

    I had formerly been working (and still do) with a BM Discovery device and NeuroGuide a lot – both for QEEG assessments and z-score NFB, which provides a seamless integration of assessment and training as well, but actually based on a population-based normative comparison with average brains and training deviant brain areas towards normal respectively average. I was generally having (and still have) good success with NeuroGuide – however, there have also been cases, which did not really progress well with the training and did not really improve much at all or any further from a certain level of progress. So I encountered that Z-score NFB – as convincing as it may appear to scientifically oriented guys like me – does have some limits and does not bring you forward in every case or with every client.

    Therefore I had been seeking for good and useful alternatives and found the TLC7 and brain-trainer system to be worthwhile for having a deeper look into. I have meanwhile been intensively coping and working with the TLC7 and brain-trainer system for about a year and I must say that I really love it!

    For me the TLC7 assessment is a very valuable add-on as well as a reasonable alternative to a QEEG-assessment. I found that the TLC7 assessment provides about the same basic picture of a clients’ brain as a QEEG done with NeuroGuide. Of course the information and brain maps of these two assessment methods are not being identical but rather similar to each other, but they somehow verify each other in many aspects.

    I do for instance have a client with a very hot prefrontal cortex (extremely high beta at Fp1, Fp2, F3 & F4), which especially fires up with eyes open and in task, as seen on the TLC maps page: https://brain-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/cntest-1.jpg

    Same is shown for the same client in NeuroGuide – here an eyes open assessment. Both assessments (TLC7 and QEEG with NG had been done on the same day right after each other): https://brain-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/cntest-2.jpg

    NeuroGuide also shows very low coherence values for that client all over the brain and over all frequency bands (except alpha) – here the same eyes open assessment: https://brain-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/cntest-3.jpg

    About the same is shown on the TLC synchrony page. However, the TLC does also show low Alpha coherence values. Please be aware that the TLC does also show low coherence values in the Beta and High Beta band – but they are not being pointed out in blue, because low fast wave coherences are not being regarded as an issue: https://brain-trainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/cntest-4.jpg

    So seeing about the same things in the TLC7 as in the QEEG done with NeuroGuide does actually prove the validity of the TLC7 and gives me the confidence that I can rely on the data of the TLC7. However, the TLC7 does provide a lot of additional valuable information on a clients’ brain, which is not being so directly obvious or not even recognizable at all from the QEEGs done with NeuroGuide. In regard of the above client, the TLC7 did also point out low gamma coherences, left/right reversals (especially in the rear of the brain), front/back reversals, a general fast wave dominance as well as low Theta/Beta ratios all over the brain, a low Alpha peak frequency in the front of the brain, a hot right rear quadrant, low SMR values and even a few more issues. As these are being important information for selecting the proper training protocols, I wouldn’t want to miss these any more. Therefore the TLC7 has become an indispensable and extremely valuable assessment and brainwave pattern analysis tool for me.

    So even if one is already doing population-based QEEG assessments on his clients, the TLC7 is definitely being a valuable addition and worth the according investment, as it provides additional information which are being helpful in understanding even better how the brains of your clients function. And for those trainers and clinicians who can’t afford a 10,000 – 20,000 US$ QEEG equipment anyway, the TLC7 is being a very good low-cost alternative, which delivers valid and reliable information on the clients brain as well as a population-based QEEG does. Especially for training purposes (unless one is doing z-score training) I regard the TLC7 as even more valuable and useful than a population based QEEG assessment, because it provides a lot of essential information on the client’s brain, that is not being found in a QEEG and which is extremely helpful and relevant in regard of an appropriate training protocol selection.

  4. Marcio

    Ther is a bug in the Plan, when I am creating a executive summary report in excel version, pop up this error: run time error 9 “subscript out of range” and the report is not finished.

    • Rah

      Marcio, we have a newer version that should have fixed this problem. Please download and run the latest version. Let us know if you are still getting an error. If so, please tell us what version of Windows and what version of Excel you are using so we can troubleshoot.

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