LIFE training is like no other nIR HEG training you have ever experienced. LIFE recognizes that some of us struggle to connect our brain control centers. They have been the focus of nIR HEG since it was introduced. But there are many of us who have an equally difficult time to turn off our brain thinking / organization. The LIFE game lets you decide to increase activation, or to decrease it. But LIFE also offers the option of “rocking” the activation. For periods of 1 or 2 minutes, forming the function to make the activation ratio origin as much as possible; then the game changes to turn off the thinking brain and just be present. Rocking back and forth increases the flexibility of attention and control, and most trainees find it much less tiring than training strictly to increase to 3-10 minutes.

The game of life is attractive, simple and clear: Climb the mountain or dip in the ocean, adding animals to the environment as you get better at rest and activation. Score points and see if you can reach level 5.

LIFE Game for nIR HEG

Train open and closed focus with LIFE