Neurofeedback: ADHD/Attention Control

Our brains have systems to control the frontier between inner and outer worlds. When those controls are weak, we get distracted, act impulsively or fail to stay focused outside ourselves. Inattention, uncontrolled movement or speech, problems with sleep, difficulty processing language can all appear as a result of problems in these areas. A brain “stuck” in slow speeds—or one that has difficulty maintaining middle speeds—will likely experience such issues. Brain-training can improve brain metabolism allowing neurons to fire faster for longer periods. It can also allow neurons to sustain consciousness speeds, saving energy and improving control.

Neurofeedback: The Aging Brain

Our brains, like the rest of our bodies, develop from newborn to older adult in response to their experience of their environment. Many brains establish strategies for dealing with the world that slow down or even block parts of its development. As they age, our brains can also become less flexible and responsive as metabolism and blood flow change. Memory, thinking, learning, even emotional brightness can all be affected. Brain-training—like other physical exercise—can not only release old habit patterns and increase our options, it can improve the physical function of aging brains as well.

Neurofeedback: Peak Performance

Research has studied “normal” brains but also those of peak performers in sport, the arts, business, military and meditators. Individual brains differ but peak performers share a special ability to operate more efficiently than most of us. They use their brain’s auto-pilot state—being in the moment, not thinking, trying or judging. Their minds are still instead of wasting energy, turning on when there is something to do. They see the whole picture and feel the people around them. Brain- training can remove the blocks our brains have developed to stillness and teach us to operate at our own peaks.

Neurofeedback: Stress Anxiety Depression

Trying to control events outside our control produces stress, pushing our bodies into emergency response. Most such reactions are brief and our bodies return to maintenance mode, digesting, sleeping, etc. When this stress becomes ongoing or severe, we can get stuck in the emergency response—a vicious cycle where our minds try harder to control. Anxiety—a stress response without a specific cause— dominates our moods. We waste large amounts of energy until the body’s fight-or-flight system burns out. We experience lack of resources: helpless/hopeless depression. Brain-training breaks this cycle. We develop habits for dealing with life’s uncertainties.

Neurofeedback: Trauma/PTSD

None of us reach adulthood without facing events that push our body into a stress response but leave us helpless to run away or fight. Brains react to such trauma differently depending on its severity, regularity and how early it happens. For some it becomes a habitual response that forms a narrow foundation for how we see the rest of our life. We become so helpless that even events we could control turn into more trauma. Brain-training allows us to break these habits of brain response and develop new patterns that will be as lasting as our current ones.

What can I change with Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback can help in addressing many problems.

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