Get a head start on becoming a trainer. This FREE course is required of all new trainers. It covers basic concepts and terminology, what we measure and why and what it means, how brain activity relates to stress and physical function. Learn about the tools and packages you will use, how BTI prepares new trainers. Get a feel for how we make complex tasks easy.
Ten modules containing 60 lessons. Integrated with Practicum Workshop or Mentoring, combining practical and didactic material. Do HEG/LIFE sessions with yourself and others, find sites and connect caps and electrodes, recognize quality signals and record an assessment, read a Whole-Brain Training Plan, perform training sessions as client and trainer.
Ten modules containing 45 lessons. Attract and keep clients, perform high-quality assessments. How to start and terminate training. Changing homeostasis and dealing with drugs. working with common brain patterns. Peak performance training options. Complete training yourself and clients.
Webinars and case studies A new way of looking at brain-training Childhood/Adolescence Trauma and mood Physical Trauma and Symptoms