Orders Shipped to U.S. Addresses
Order Amount | USPS |
Up to $500 | $15 |
$500.01 to $1000 | $25 |
$1000.01 to $1500 | $35 |
Above $1500 | $45 |
Orders Shipped to International Addresses
Additional cost for trans-shipping to non-US buyers.
Shipping & Handling for domestic orders is charged on the total cost of shipped items you order. Shipping charges will not appear until you check out. Once you have entered your address information, you will see your cart with the U.S. or international shipping charges included. Then you enter your credit card information.
US shipments are sent USPS priority insured. Some supplies are shipped FedEx ground from California. For your security we require a signature. Please provide an address where someone will be there to sign for your package.
International shipments are sent by DHL.