What users are saying about Brain-Trainer
A selection of testimonials from brain-trainer.com clients
Review: Brain-Trainer system vs NeurOptimal and 40 Years of Zen
3 patients hugged me
1 said “I am glad you are here”
1 said ” you have a good heart”
The others were all in good spirits and joking.I have never had an all positive patient day before. They typically enjoy complaining, funny but true.
Thank you”
“My brother enjoys this (HEG LIFE training) as I am the SLP/professional and he is someone who has always struggled with motivation and following through on goals or planning (i.e., the majority of executive functioning). He has been doing amazing, seeming to improve every time and it’s neat to see because he has never shown so much interest in something – each time he’s asking when we can do the next session. He tells me he’s on the biggest ‘upswing’ he’s experienced in mood and motivation.”
* I started the probiotics [ ] and am loving them.
* My craving to smoke pot is 95% less-YES!
* I am feeling more focused and more productive.
* I have titrated off 10 mg Lexapro over the past couple of months without any side effects. Now I am going to work on getting off Effexor, slowly.
* I have increased my HEG score in the LIFE game from around 400 when I first started to over 2000 now while doing 3 minute climbs and 2 minute dives for Left, Right and Center sites.I want to thank you so much for helping me learn how to train my brain! It has made such a significant difference in the quality of my life! I am so grateful for your kind and patient help.”
“Thanks so much for your help in putting together my TLC assessment and training plan…its a little “spooky” how accurate the assessment was.”
“Thanks a ton for the really fast turnaround time. It’s pretty refreshing to see that many of my problems are accurately reflected in the Summary Report, and that I can now pinpoint the brain sources of these problems. Some of them are scarily accurate, such as me having wet the bed as a child and being a deep sleeper due to a slow-dominant brain (which aligns well with your other observations).”
“Congratulations on the amazing use of your considerable experience and great Excel know-how in the new version of your assessment software. Unlike the sometimes facile reports generated by other commercial QEEG software you continue to present the EEG findings in a way that stimulates consideration of fundamentals.I continue to appreciate your posts, the discussions you enable, and the enthusiasm and good works you inspire.”
“Wow Just reviewed the new designs and capabilities! A work of art and science to be proud of, Thank You!”
“I am reading your blog now, wonderfully written, masterful synthesis of knowledge and Practical application in the field. ”
“Thank you Pete for such an enriching learning experience. You have a unique ability to meet everyone at their skill level while at the same time making it meaningful to all levels of expertise. I learned so much and feel blessed to have had this opportunity.”
“The PN Q-Wiz + Bioexplorer + TLC7ap + TLC7 design package really seem to be a “hidden gem” among options for affordable (both for trainer and trainee) QEEG tied to an immediate and detailed self-generated report and treatment plan linked to a suite of 2 and 4 channel designs. It fills the gap between bare bones sequential assessment of single sites, and costly QEEG equipment and software with ongoing dependence on external and costly interpretation and reports (which in the neurofeedback literature are usually presented as the only 2 options).”
“Had a great time at the Kelowna workshop. Met and hung out with some interesting people and learnt loads. The workshop gave me much insight into how profoundly powerful Pete’s stuff really is. I feel a lot more comfortable training myself and anyone else for that matter having got that one under my belt. Pete is sharp and quick witted with a great sense of humour. He presents very well – very clear and to the point without ANY powerpoint slides. It was a genuine delight to have the opportunity to be around someone which such depth of knowledge and experience of the field.”
“On the TLCap plan. I felt like I was stepping into the unknown when I finally made the switch. But I have to tell you – trust the process. I had good results creating my own protocols, but the TLCap is so much easier to train. My sessions are shorter now. I can get someone in and out in one hour and feel like I gave them a great session. Yes, there are a lot of Gamma up and Gamma Sync protocols. Great thing is they work! Just today I was on the 4th block I think with an ADD college student. History of alcohol and marijuana use. Not very engaging in the process. After the Gamma work on his midline I asked how it went as there was a huge shift in his brain half way through.He said, “That was weird.” Good or bad weird? “Both,” he said. More questioning led to him sharing he had an ‘Aha’ moment with his life and he saw how aimless and lazy he is and that no girl would ever want a guy like him! A short coaching session and he left out the door ready to change his life. Dang, I love this job. Thanks again Pete!”
“I want to start by saying that this training feels amazing and I am astonished that after just a few hours/sessions, along with HEG, I’m already experiencing shifts in consciousness. I did block one twice yesterday, an hour in the AM, again in the PM and I did block 2 this morning.I’ve been using a lot of healthy fats Such as MCT oil so my brain has fertile soil for the changes. My gratitude, appreciation and buoyancy is coming back and I am beginning to remember what it felt like to experience life as a child in all of it’s wonder. I’m really in awe and amazement that I can expect to go through the second half of my life feeling more in charge of my life’s path, kind of like being in the cockpit of my brain.”
“Just wanted to give you a progress report on the Iraqi war veteran suffering from PTSD. He’s been doing very well with all of the protocols in the plan that you developed for me based on the TLC assessment. We have completed the five sessions and have just started the second go around. He had a great deal of anxiety, hypervigilance and seem to be using strategies to calm himself. It also appeared that he has a brain injury that he sustained while in service. Anxiety has been a major problem for him. Right from the beginning of neurofeedback, he reported his anxiety lessening. He now reports that is pretty much anxiety free. Also, he indicates he has increased ability to regulate his emotions; he no longer experiences mood swings. He now feels a great deal calmer, more relaxed and has a much more positive outlook. He stated that he has more motivation to get things done and has even become more social and not as reluctant to interact with others. His academic studies are not as difficult for him as they used to be. He is much more able to comprehend, focus and concentrate.”
“I don’t know if anyone has said this to you yet, but as far as innovation and ‘bringing the goods to the people’ – you and your TLC7AP are about as close to Bill Gates and the Personal Computer (PC) in the Neurofeedback world as it gets… This TLC7AP is Amazing, Amazing, Amazing.For what it may or may not be worth, my [sentient automation] comment was to emphasize the brilliance of your work in creating the TLC7AP; in 2006 I was awarded a Canadian National Research (NRC) Grant to put Trust and Tax Law into a ‘Expert System’ aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), online. The project had me work with some great inventors and software engineers in Canada in this discipline.
What I am experiencing with your TLC7AP, and being that it only took me exactly 6 minutes to figure out and put into full utilization, is that you and your ‘Expert System’ have pretty much ‘nailed it’ when it comes to what we had always referred to as the Best Practise approach for a sentient AI system.
I have only thought of tackling other global sectors ie. Education, Medical etc but I did put a lot of effort, practise and research as well as Canadian Government resources into creating one for the Legal system.
In summary, I think the AI approach that is found in your TLC7AP might lend itself to creating Expert Systems for these other global sectors with the required effort and resource in its’ adaptation.
With much admiration and gratitude for your work.”
“A great relief to know I’m getting good clean signals.Thank you very much indeed for taking the time to help and encourage me. I can now carry on with increased confidence.
I just want to say, too, as a purchaser, how refreshing it is to be offered access to your latest updates to the designs entirely free of charge. A really great service, thanks!”
“Pete just so impresses me on how he seems more bent on helping and making this technology accessible, than making a buck. It stands out, and he’s unique. Plus, his way of explaining and presenting things really makes sense. Hope the site helps you all in all possible ways! Thanks for all you do!”
“Just wanted to thank you for all of the continued hard work you do – answering our many questions, sharing what you’ve learned and discovered, and continuing to develop your approach, map, and systems so that we can do more for our clients. Remarkably, all while keeping costs so very affordable to us. This makes you and your work stand out. This is felt by us, and felt by our clients, as well. It makes it easier for all of us to pay it forward. With deep gratitude”
“TLC saved my daughter’s life and gave me a career I am challenged and excited about. When I contacted Pete, 2 things were happening. One, is that in 2009 I had bought the Nexus and received neurofeedback training from STENS but found there was no real support to use. I was pretty much ready to dump Neurofeedback. This is when I had vaguely heard a reference to Pete and TLC and went to check out his website. I then spoke to him about my experience and he patiently walked me through what TLC had to offer. I ordered the equipment and began a new excitement for this field of work.”
“A big thank you to Foxx and best wishes! Foxx has helped me over the years and recently Sloan has also –and Jan has helped with my orders –big, big thanks all three of you!!!! :) And Pete — while I am at it–Thank you, thank you for all you have done — your groups, trainings, designs and TLC assessments are amazing. I know I would not be a neurofeedback provider today without all the assistance you have provided! Many thanks!!!! Fondly,”
“Tried the A/T with the chants. WOW . What a trip. Make sure you have instructions to add those sounds. Maybe you did and I missed it. I felt like the music just took me to a good place and I didn’t need to use the visualizations. My attention just wanted to listen to the sounds so I just let it. Really great stuff.”
“Congratulations, TLC7 assessment is really wonderful and a piece of cake. I am really excited as this will save me a lot of time.”
“Remember our 7 year old girl with ‘dysfunctional elimination syndrome’, well…she is cured!That is such a dramatic word, but she has been wetting herself at school and at night for 3 years and there was nothing the parents did that worked including specialists at Vancouver Children’s Hospital. After 4 sessions she was completely dry at school and we have now completed 9 sessions and she is now completely dry at night as well.”
“I have been using your plans going through the protocols methodically for about 4-5 cycles for each of my clients. I have been doing this for the past 3 years, and just as your trainers in Brazil have found, I have seen remarkable results. Keep up the great work. Like they say in AA, ‘It works, if you work it, so work it!’”
“I tried it this evening with a persnickety client who proclaimed it “fun, but hard.” She was all smiles and asked if she could do it again next time, and every time. Translated out of her language, that means it was a big hit!”
“Just wanted to tell you that the LIFE game for HEG is a hit with all of my clients. The older ones like it and the younger ones LOVE it. Usually the 7 year olds I train ask if they can do the LIFE game the whole session because they enjoy it so much. The one little guy I just saw said, “I can’t believe I am so good at this game!” It’s really made the HEG part of training way more fun and interesting. Thanks Pete. Good job on the game!”
“I have been with the learning curve since about 2005 or 6 I think. Its been an off and on relationship, depending where my life is at. This is the first time I have undertaken a training plan drawn up by Pete. I wish I had done it earlier. I was just rummaging around in my head in the past I think. My life may not be where it is now if I had done so.I have never felt this relaxed in all my life, its pretty amazing. Hopefully this will last.”
“You helped me with my own TLC map and it was very informative, intuitive and your approach eminently practical…something I find to be pretty much an anomaly in the world of neurofeedback. Thanks for your straightforward help. I appreciate the support that you provide. You fill a valuable role in the field.”
“The best resource available anywhere and then not in bookform, but digitally, accessible everywhere instantly. My congrats establishing it for the worldwide community of NF trainers. Thank you”