This page shows some sample patterns
Reusable Silver EEG Cup Electrode$10.00
TC26 Trainer’s Cap$120.00
Sponges for TC26 Trainer’s Cap$25.00
Electrode Covers for TC26 Trainer’s Cap$70.00
Whole-Brain Training Plan$135.00
Shadow plug-in$125.00
HEG/LIFE 2.0 plug-in$95.00
Raised White Boxes
Default look is white raised boxes.
Change the number of columns by adding or deleting.
Advanced Options
For the Group, add the following classes (in addition to white-block-pattern) to change the look:
- greybk for grey-blue background; tanbk for tan;
- tan for tax boxes
- white for white boxes (default)
- flat to remove box shadow
Praesent blandit
Images should match in size and entire image will display.
Tan on Beige boxes
Default look is tan flat boxes.
Change the number of columns by adding or deleting.
Images should match in size and entire image will display.
Advanced Options
For the Group, add the following classes (in addition to white-block-pattern) to change the look:
- greybk for grey-blue background
- tan for tax boxes (default)
- white for white boxes
- remove “flat” to remove box shadow
Praesent blandit
Quisque malesuada placerat nisl. Curabitur nisi. Nullam quis ante. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Aenean posuere, tortor sed cursus feugiat, nunc augue blandit nunc, eu sollicitudin urna dolor sagittis lacus.

Cropped Image Boxes
All images will display at the exact same size, cropping as appropriate.

Change it up
Default look is white flat boxes on tan background.
Change the number of columns by adding or deleting.

Advanced Options
For the Group, add the following classes (in addition to white-block-pattern) to change the look:
- bluebk for blue background
- white for whiteboxes (default)
- For tan boxes: add classes: tan beigebk
- remove “flat” to remove box shadow