Tips for Using BioExplorer


System Requirements

Windows vs. Apple BioExplorer (BE) was written for Windows.  Almost all recent Macs include an Intel chip along with the Mac chip. You can run a program called Bootcamp, which will allow you to install Windows and the Mac operating system side by side.  You’ll be able to switch back and forth.  If you really […]


Bandpass Filters

Bandpass Filters and Thresholds The bandpass filters simply define the frequency to be passed and do not say anything about the protocol. The threshold objects HAVE to have a definition of whether the signal is to be rewarded or inhibited.  If you go to the Objects menu and choose any of the Thresholds on the […]


Re-attaching Instruments Windows

Re-attaching Instruments Windows to the main program If you will bring the Instruments2 window to the front by clicking on it, you’ll see that it has a small instruments menu in the upper left corner. Re-attach is one of the options on that menu.



BxShadow shadow feedback One point I wanted to make about BxShadow is that it does not work “inside” BioExplorer or any other program. It creates a shadow box that you can control and that is linked to BioExplorer’s feedback. You can size and place this box over a whole screen or anything on it–not just […]


Design Components and Settings

Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer The oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer are just displays.  They have nothing to do with the training, just how the overall signal is portrayed on the screen. Tone Generators There have always been Tone generators free standing (the binaural beat always playing e.g. alpha theta), others linked in a conditional way to […]


Tips for Using BioExplorer

BioExplorer BioExplorer is a legacy software system that many practitioners continue to use despite cessation of support from its creator. The following information is for those users. Getting Started You can install BioExplorer onto as many computers as you’d like.  Whichever computer has the dongle/hasp key plugged in will work. Tip for preserving the dongle […]


Adding a DVD Player Object

Adding a DVD Player Object to your design You can easily enough change to the DVD player object:In the Window menus, choose Signal Diagram.In the Design menu, choose Add Object and select DVD Player.The DVD Player box will appear in the upper left corner of the Signal DiagramDrag it to the spot where the Windows […]


Media Files

Media Files for feedback You may have to “hook up” the beeps, clicks and mp3 files the first time you use a design. If you don’t hear beeps or clicks when you should, go to the Score object and verify that Enable is checked. Then click the … to the right of the Sound field […]


Rewards and Inhibits

Rewards and Inhibits with and without thresholds The general rule, for me, is to minimize the number of rewards and inhibits in a session, simply because of the difficulty of providing good feedback.  With one threshold for the brain to pass, you can set a target to provide 80% feedback and have a pretty good […]


Feedback Delays

Feedback Delays for best effect I try to keep the feedback latency to below 250 mS.  Feedback latency is the delay between the moment something happens in the brain and the time the brain receives feedback regarding that event.  Obviously the shorter the delay, the better the brain can learn from the feedback. There are […]