Trainer Resources


Trainer Improvement Tips

We are frequently asked about ways to make training sessions better or what tools can be used to improve and extend the results of neurofeedback training. The following is our commentary. It is not meant to be comprehensive. Trainer Improvement Tips Neurofeedback is good Zen practice (at least with brain-trainer designs) for the trainer. The […]


Sum Difference (Sum Diff)

Sum Difference (Sum Diff) In simplest terms, I use Sum Difference when there is a strong differential in a group of frequencies between homologous sites and there are one or more frequency bands that show excessive activation. Training down the sum trains down the activity in both channels, training down difference reduces the asymmetry. You […]


Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue See also Pain/Fibromyalgia Chronic fatigue is usually a really wound up ANS (long-term Tone issues), so it can be related to any of the various strategies for dealing with Tone. Look for them in the order you normally would follow and try training each in that order. Remember with this kind of client […]


Cognitive Issues/Processing Issues

Cognitive/Processing Issues I like the Dan Maust Squash, F7/CP5/g/F8/CP6 for any kind of cognitive processing issues.  That trains to reduce the difference in all frequencies between Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas and their analogs on the right hemisphere.


Compulsive Behavior/Obsessive Thoughts

Compulsive Behavior/Obsessive Thoughts Obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviors are a common way for brains to defend against fear, anxiety or depression.  Since they are not primary problems but defenses against primary problems, it’s very important to train the underlying emotional derive issues first or at least concurrently. That’s why the Whole-Brain Plan is so important.  […]



Coordination Coordination seems to be related to the link between the basal ganglia and the cerebellum.  The cerebellum sends some kinds of motor instructions and the basal ganglia reviews the results to see how accurate the output was relative to what was expected. Of course, the motor impulses are planned and sent from the frontal […]



Creativity As to the question of creativity and depression, I personally believe that true creativity comes THROUGH me, not FROM me.  I am the instrument, not the creator.  Hence, I seek an alpha state which allows me to be “played” by that creative force, so the same alpha state which would help me avoid depression […]



Dementia I’m not aware of anyone who’s had any demonstrable success training Alzheimer’s.  It is a physiological destruction of the ability to get signals across the synapses.  Speeding up or slowing down the EEG doesn’t seem to have any effect in the cases I’ve tried or heard of. To date my “n” is small–only four […]



Depression Ideally, I recommend that a person do an assessment before starting training, so you know what patterns are actually present in the brain you are training before you try to change them. There are a lot of different brain patterns for depression. One of the most common is called alpha asymmetry, which is too […]



Diabetes I believe there has been some published work around training and diabetes as an auto-immune disorder, and I seem to recall that training up alpha activity was involved.