Library of Symptoms Problems and Goals

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Dyslexia Dyslexia is one of those diagnoses that can have many different causes.  I’ve a bipolar montage at F7-T5, and I have also even more frequently found a pattern of excess slow activity at O1-T5 and have done a lot of work there with good improvements.



Epilepsy The first major publication (in the middle 1960s) on neurofeedback was Barry Sterman’s work with 8-10 treatment-refractory cases of epilepsy who were in line awaiting split-brain surgery. Sterman trained them all using SMR (without using an assessment, since there were no databases at that time). Seizure activity decreased significantly in all–most were able to […]


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome I’ve only worked with a few FAS children, and my first response is, as usual, to do an assessment of the brain, if the child is old enough (7 or 8 or older) and able to sit quietly for a minute at a time.  The idea would be to find out what […]



Fibromyalgia See also Pain/FibromyalgiaMany clients in this category are heavily medicated, so having an MD willing to work with you to reduce and get rid of the meds would be a major plus. That’s one of the first steps, since in many cases getting off the meds is a crucial step and an early focus. […]


Fine Motor Coordination/Handwriting

Fine Motor Coordination/Handwriting Handwriting is a secondary issue, so anything you do to normalize brain function will usually help. Oftentimes very fast, sloppy handwriting is helped by quieting the brain, shifting into more SMR in the central strip. If you change the brain issues, the effect in my experience is pretty permanent. Handwriting problems seem […]


Hormones and SMR

Hormones and SMR There are frequently reports of people responding hormonally to brain-training–often to SMR.  It has appeared to me to be somewhat idiosyncratic–not everyone does it–and I’ve never seen anything studied or published about it.  It would be difficult to study, since the range of potential hormonal responses is pretty vast. We do know […]


Hunger (constant)

Hunger (constant) From the point of view of the brain, the hypothalamus, down in the center of the subcortex, regulates various things which often occur together as problems. Temperature regulation, sleep regulation and the sense of hunger vs. satiety. Often people who eat when they “shouldn’t be” hungry, who don’t get the message of satiety, […]



Hypertension Blood pressure is mediated by the autonomic nervous system, so in the Brain-Trainer system we talk about it as being a Tone problem.  It is often related to excessive sub-cortical drive.  In the Atlanta days, I worked with a lot of adults who had hypertension issues among their symptoms.  That tended to be a […]



Hypomania Hypomania would theoretically be related to an excessive activation of the left side of the brain relative to the right, as depression would be related to excessive activation of the right.  I teach that HEG should be used at least on both sides of the forehead in every session. Activating the left tends to […]


Immune Response

Immune Response There’s a fair amount of evidence that autoimmune and immune issues are related to alpha levels. Check them to see if they are high or low and train to move them. There is some research (Val Brown’s only published paper, I believe) linking effective alpha production with improved immune function.  His was a […]