2 The BTI System


Neurofeedback–Exercise or Operant Conditioning

Neurofeedback: Exercise or Operant Conditioning? I believe neurofeedback is like exercise. In most exercise we have some form of mirror: you might be watching yourself trying to achieve and stay in a pose in yoga, or have a pulse-meter that informs you when you are in or out of the training range in aerobics. There’s nothing innately reinforcing about […]



Coherence Coherence is a measure of how effectively two sites are able to link and unlink, to share information. Whether coherence is a good thing or a bad thing depends to some extent on what frequency we are talking about and what sites and what task. Slower frequencies, alpha and lower, are generally produced by […]


Reading Placement Montages

Below are some concepts in understanding montages. For more information in understanding how to ready the montages in your Whole-Brain Training plan, please see our videos. Just to repeat one of the conventions we use, when a montage is listed, it should be listed as Active/Reference. If we follow that convention, then if someone writes […]


Visible and Invisible Structures in the EEG Signal

Visible and Invisible Structures in the EEG Signal It probably would be useful to talk about visible and invisible structures. The cortex, the hippocampus (inside each temporal lobe) and the cingulate are all composed with pyramidal neurons, so they produce a signal that appears in the EEG.   Most of the primary sub-cortical players (thalamus, […]


Basal Ganglia

Basal Ganglia The best connections to the Basal Ganglia would be at Cz. You won’t “see” the Basal Ganglia in EEG, since it is not made of the pyramidal cells that show up in EEG (only the cortex, hippocampus and cingulate are), so you have to go where it’s connected and train there.


Measuring Progress with So-called Objective Tests

Measuring Progress with So-Called Objective Tests Speaking of “objective” measures like the TOVA or IVA: I tried both, meaning that I bought them and charged my clients for my use of them for several months one time and a bit less than a month the second time. I’ve thrown the TOVA away twice. The first […]



Temporals T5 and T6 are on the equator that runs around the circumference of the head from the middle of the valley that crosses the forehead above the supra-orbital ridge, just touching the top of the left and right ears and running through Oz (about 1.5 inches above the inion). They are 70% of the […]


Reassessing at the End of Training

Reassessing at the End of Training If you need an assessment to tell you if the training is working…it’s not. If you are hoping to prove that the training worked with the EEG, you’ll probably be disappointed. The assessment or the QEEG could be done several times over a period of a couple days and […]



Synchrony Synchrony indicates that two waveforms are coherent (consistent relationship between their peaks and valleys) and in phase (peak and valleys happening at the same time in both waveforms). If that is true when you add the waves together, the peaks are added to the peaks, giving the largest possible positive number, and the valleys […]


Tips for Conducting Better Assessments

See Tech Support for information on how to do brain maps. This section is to provide tips for gathering better data. In the TQ guide we recommend that assessments be recorded before 11am. The assessment gives the trainer a starting place. I know what NOT to aim at, and have some ideas as to where […]