See also Dual Monitors. If you are using a laptop, you’ll already have ports for an external monitor (and perhaps a digital external monitor) if it is anything made in the last 10 years. If you are using a desktop, you may need to add a video card, most of which have dual monitor outputs. […]
Energy Patterns/Exercise Analogy There are energy patterns that are very costly–lots of fast activity–and others that are very “cheap”–lots of slow activity. It seems possible in some cases for a very costly pattern to reset itself in a single session, often an extended session to a much more sustainable level of activation. I’ve seen this happen […]
Mastoid Crease Behind the ear, near where the ear attaches to the scalp at the top, there is a valley in the heavy bone there, running usually from the ear toward the back of the head. It is called the mastoid crease. It can also be found just below the level of T4 and T6, […]
Maps Page The maps and power maps in the TQ assessment have colors assigned based on the relative values or percentages of amplitude and power of an individual frequency relative to the total. Those are not norms. They are useful for identifying hot spots (e.g. a spike of alpha at Fz). If you look at […]
Whole-Brain Training Since I’ve been in Brazil, I’ve been doing workshops in Portuguese and establishing 6-month-long supervision arrangements with individual (or, ideally, pairs of) trainers. It has been a great improvement in being able to stay connected through their development, and it has been great for me, since it allows me to learn from them […]
Peak Frequency Peak frequency is a statistic that tells us what the frequency within a band was that had the highest amplitude. For example, in the alpha band (8-12 Hz), 10 Hz should be highest in most adults. Values rising above that may result in problems experienced by the client, depending on where we see […]
The Client Summary Report was added to the TQ in response to requests from trainers for something they could share with referral sources and/or other professionals working with the same client. I used to teach that I never reviewed the assessment with the client or family. When they would ask, I would tell them that […]
Frequencies Below 1 Hz Any EEG value below 1 is not AC EEG that we train. It’s DC. It’s not produced in the cortex, nor even in the brain’s subcortical areas, as are the AC frequencies. It appears to be a signal from the brainstem. The published research that’s been done, or at least what […]
See also Whole-Brain Training Plan As the name implies, the auto plan version for assessments produces the customized plan automatically. I usually do one plan for each client unless there are major intervening complications–someone who was heavily medicated for the assessment and is now off medications–someone who has had a head injury, for example. The […]
Working without an Assessment–the Recipe Approach Recipes are used because they do work a reasonable percentage of the time. But there is certainly likely to be a big difference between what you get when you eat something made by my mom from a recipe of hers-and what you get if I make the recipe. The […]