Tracking Changes from Training

The BTI System


Graphing and Charting versus Real Life

Graphing and Charting versus Real Life Most people want to become less anxious, or pay attention better, or sleep more effectively, or stop obsessing over things or whatever. If they are showing better average scores in their sessions, but those things aren’t changing, do you really think you can convince them the training is “working”? […]


Identifying Progress

Identifying Progress I’ve also seen lots of people who got so wound up in the tracking and judging of their “progress” that they got frustrated when they “weren’t making any.” Not all progress is graphable. And it’s not, in my experience, necessary to cognitively interact with a process to have it be beneficial. Meditation, for […]


More Thoughts on Measuring Progress

More Thoughts on Measuring Progress Two women start jogging together. One keeps track of miles run, average speed, calories burned, graphing the results from day to day. The other just goes out and runs alongside her friend. Which one gets in shape faster? Which one better? It is perfectly possible and valid for someone to […]


Measuring Progress with So-called Objective Tests

Measuring Progress with So-Called Objective Tests Speaking of “objective” measures like the TOVA or IVA: I tried both, meaning that I bought them and charged my clients for my use of them for several months one time and a bit less than a month the second time. I’ve thrown the TOVA away twice. The first […]


Reassessing at the End of Training

Reassessing at the End of Training If you need an assessment to tell you if the training is working…it’s not. If you are hoping to prove that the training worked with the EEG, you’ll probably be disappointed. The assessment or the QEEG could be done several times over a period of a couple days and […]


Tracking Changes from Training

Tracking Changes So many people hear the stories of miracle responses to neurofeedback and assume that’s the norm. The reality is that consistent work over time is what tends to produce lasting results, not miracle reactions. It’s always important to remember that the training is for the brain–not the trainer, and not the trainee’s mind. […]