Trainer Resources


More Information About Specific Types of Protocols

More Information About Specific Types of Protocols This section explores the reasoning behind the use of certain protocols. It does not include education on how to run specific protocols or training sessions. For information on that, please see Training or, if you have one, speak with your training supervisor.  


Research Articles on Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback Bibliography by Cynthia Kerson – PDF file Bibliography of research articles EEG Glossary, A glossary of terms most commonly used by clinical electroencephalographers S. Noachtar, C. Binnie, J. Ebersole, F. Mauguiere, A. Sakamoto, B. Westmoreland 19 Channel Z-Score and LORETA Neurofeedback: Does the Evidence Support the Hype? R. Coben, D. C. Hammond, M. Arns […]


Tips for Using BioExplorer

BioExplorer BioExplorer is a legacy software system that many practitioners continue to use despite cessation of support from its creator. The following information is for those users. Getting Started You can install BioExplorer onto as many computers as you’d like.  Whichever computer has the dongle/hasp key plugged in will work. Tip for preserving the dongle […]


Library of Symptoms Problems and Goals

Exploring Symptoms, Problems, and Goals Despite the fact that conducting neurofeedback training in accordance with the brain map, TQ8, is the best way to help you reach your goals, there IS information about specific symptoms and situations, and how they relate to brain habits, that can inform your choices. Choose from the many topics to […]


Background Music

Based on some research done years ago, we used to use a tape player (to show you how old this was) to play music in the background during our sessions in Atlanta. 60-beat Baroque (e.g. air on a G string, Pachelbel Canon) definitely helped people into the middle frequencies, especially alpha. Mozart, the faster sections […]


The Impact of Medications and Drugs on Neurofeedback

Drug Use The use of any medication—whether prescribed or not—has the potential to impact the EEG and neurofeedback training. The following is commentary the impact of medications on training. 1. Your brain operates with its own chemicals–neurotransmitters–that change how we think, feel and act. The brain’s chemistry is directly related to its energy states. For […]


Adrenal Fatigue

I always start this kind of client with training how to do RSA breathing to move her into parasympathetic mode, using something like EmWave (a product from HeartMath) to provide her feedback in the direction of heart-rate variability training, and HEG for a session or two while you are getting a training plan for the […]


Age-Related Cognitive Decline

In the 1990s, Tom Budzynski studied effects of aging on the brain. He showed that one of the clearest brain findings related to cognitive issues was slowing of the peak alpha frequency in the rear of the head. He also demonstrated that training to increase the peak–what he called brain-brightening–had positive effects on semantic memory–the […]


Z-scores vs Trainer’s Q

NeuroGuide with Z-scores vs brain-trainer Trainer’s Q (TQ) QEEG vs. TQ “First of all I want to express my appreciation and gratitude for Pete’s work and efforts on the TLC7 and the brain-trainer system. I am REALLY convinced of these assessment and training tools and do profit a lot from them in daily neurofeedback practice! […]


Binaural Beats

Binaural Beats Binaural beats are the result of hearing two different signals entering each ear separately but at the same time. This causes harmonics we hear as beats. The brain as a whole responds to them and often moves in the direction of the beat frequency. The beat rate is the difference between two separate […]