In my work with clients, I have generally used the analogy of working at the gym. If you go once a week, you may feel better after the workout, but you are unlikely to produce any long-term changes. On the other hand, working out every day may not give a lot faster changes. I believe […]
Skull Thickness I’ve heard from a number of folks who are experts in EEG that the single factor that accounts for about 85% of overall differences in absolute EEG amplitudes is thickness of the skull. The reality is that some people just have thick skulls.
Training Specific Bands I’m careful about trying to train down just a narrow frequency band (i.e. just delta). It’s very possible to reduce delta and increase theta or even (if there is dissociation involved) high beta. Squashes and windowed squashes are a good alternative in that they allow you to put a ceiling on a […]
When to Finish Training Usually by around 3 cycles through the blocks of training, you should be beginning to notice that changes are becoming more stable–not fading after a session. At that point I usually start stretching out the sessions. If you’ve been doing them 4 times a week, try dropping to 2; if 2 […]
Bandpass Filters and Thresholds The bandpass filters simply define the frequency to be passed and do not say anything about the protocol. The threshold objects HAVE to have a definition of whether the signal is to be rewarded or inhibited. If you go to the Objects menu and choose any of the Thresholds on the […]
BxShadow shadow feedback One point I wanted to make about BxShadow is that it does not work “inside” BioExplorer or any other program. It creates a shadow box that you can control and that is linked to BioExplorer’s feedback. You can size and place this box over a whole screen or anything on it–not just […]
Alpha Training If someone doesn’t produce alpha, train up 9-13 Hz–and train alpha coherence–in the parietals. All this, of course, assumes that you’ve already checked for other issues related to fast wave blocking and worked on those, since alpha and beta are antagonists–they block each other.
What is a Bipolar Protocol Any time you train in a channel, you are training the difference between the active and reference electrode signals. The fact is that you are training the pyramidal neurons close to the line between the active and reference sites whose axons happen to be pretty much parallel to the line. […]
Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer The oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer are just displays. They have nothing to do with the training, just how the overall signal is portrayed on the screen. Tone Generators There have always been Tone generators free standing (the binaural beat always playing e.g. alpha theta), others linked in a conditional way to […]
Coherence Training Coherence just means the relationship is stable. It could be in phase (zero phase angle), 180 degrees out of phase (peak lined up with trough or anywhere in between. Coherence speaks to stability of the relationship. Phase speaks to the timing. Synchrony is when the timing relationship between two signals is consistently the […]