Jet Lag
Jet Lag
From 2001 through the beginning of 2007, I traveled about half of each year, pretty much all around the world doing workshops. The longest trip was three months without returning home. It was not uncommon for me to do west coast Alaska, then Washington, then Zurich, then Sydney and then Seoul. I would leave a place after the workshop that ran that day, travel and arrive, then start the first of 8-10 days the day after I arrived.
I used to do an SMR session at Cz/A2 (or C3/C4) for about 20 minutes the day I was leaving and do another the day I arrived. SMR training has the ability to reset your internal clock, and I found this worked very well for me. My only other rule was to go to bed at what would be my normal time (10-11pm) at wherever I had arrived, no matter when I arrived.
Never had jet lag.
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I train SMR up (usually with 14 Hz as the central frequency) and theta down, usually at C4/A2 or sometimes Cz/A2 before and after long trips pretty regularly. Of course, my brain is pretty used to being in different time zones from day to day, but I rarely if ever experience jet lag.