Whole-Brain Training Plans

See also Whole-Brain Training Plan

As the name implies, the auto plan version for assessments produces the customized plan automatically. I usually do one plan for each client unless there are major intervening complications–someone who was heavily medicated for the assessment and is now off medications–someone who has had a head injury, for example. The idea is that you are increasing the range of things you can do with your brain and for how long. Not necessarily that you have changed the way you are. We focus on real-world outcomes that you define at the beginning (and during, if desired) training. Certainly, you can do an assessment six months after the first one to look for measurable brain changes, but it is not necessary. Or you can do one just to work some different issues. Often after an initial Whole-Brain Training Plan (WBTP) cycled 4-6 times, you may choose to do a series of alpha theta, or SMR or alpha synchrony or anything else you liked.

Session Blocks

The Whole-Brain Training Plan includes five Session Blocks, each with up to three exercises (protocols).
By training 2-3 exercises together with HEG in each session and cycling through the blocks each 5 sessions, all the most important patterns identified in the assessment are addressed–much like training through a series of different body areas in a physical workout schedule.

Block 1 Activation and Symmetry will be those patterns considered most foundational.

Block 2 Connectivity will work the sites included in the Salience Network and focus on synchrony.

In block 2, you are training connectivity. You may be improving your brain’s ability to open up fast-frequencies that are locking lobes of your brain and keeping them from being able to operate independently. Or you may train to synchronize slower frequencies by teaching the neurons to be still when there is no task to be done.

Block 3 Sensorimotor Cortex will train the Sensory-Motor cortex.

In block 3, you begin training your sensory-motor cortex to resonate to the SMR frequency (12-15 Hz). SMR involves your body being still and relaxed. It improves coordination. It improves the function of your internal clock and your circadian rhythms, and it can improve your hormonal function.

Block 4 Midline will train the midline of the brain with special focus on the Default-Mode Network.

In block 4, you train the connection between Fz and Pz–the so-called Default-mode network. The DMN, when it is linked by synchronized theta, alpha and gamma, allows you to be fully aware of yourself, to feel yourself and to feel others as well.

Block 5 Posterior/Deep States often trains deep states, though in very slow brains it may train the language systems.

In block 5, you probably are training alpha/theta. This protocol slowly allows you to move with awareness into your own subconscious mind, the land of your memories and emotions, your automatic programs, the center of your creativity and the magical source of intuition. In the early cycles through your 5-session circuit, A/T may focus on cleaning out and integrating old material you have locked in your subconscious, but as it becomes more and more open and clear, you can tap into the power of visualization.

If a client responds particularly well to specific exercise(s) or block(s), trainer and client may choose to focus more on those after 2-3 cycles through the plan. If particular exercises (e.g. gamma synchrony) seem to relate to negative effects (e.g. sleep disturbances), they can be removed from the plan.

Times for each exercise are not defined. Depending on the length of a training session and the number of exercises in a block, the training period may range from about 8 minutes to 15-20 for an exercise. Frequency of training is also not defined. As client/trainer move through the cycles of training, a rule of thumb is that greater frequency (up to 1-2 sessions per day for the first cycle) may be helpful in the beginning. In following cycles, sessions can be spaced further apart to allow evaluation of how long a response is lasting. By the 3rd of 4th cycle, sessions may be done 2 or even 1 time per week if the client is maintaining the changes between sessions.

The client/trainer may choose, after several cycles, to shift to a series of blocks of Alpha Theta or some other protocol related to synchrony or deep states.