
Support resource

BioExplorer Tech Support

About BioExplorer software program receives, processes, and displays data from a biofeedback Device. BioExplorer uses the current Design to tell it how to process and display that data from the device. Learn about using BioExplorer with Help Topics and Tutorials. Click on “Help” from the main menu bar and select the desired item (e.g. BioExplorer Help […]

Support resource

HEG Training Session – BioExplorer

The goal of LIFE is to score as many points as possible by adding animals to the training field, and to add larger animals with higher point values by climbing higher or diving deeper. There are brief coaching files that you can listen to in order to better understand the process. Press Climb Coach or […]

Support resource

Troubleshooting in BioExplorer

Avoiding issues Start with Setup In today’s challenging Windows 10 environment, there are some steps one can take to minimize or remedy difficulties in operating BioExplorer. Below are some steps to take when installing BioExplorer to reduce problems. Program fails to launch or Design failed to open If BioExplorer fails to launch or designs fail […]