50/60 Hz Electrical Interference, new issue
If your signal was clean in the past and now has a new electrical intereference issue, it may be the the electrodes are not clean.
Use an orange stick to carefully clean each electrode.
If you’d like to have the cap professionally cleaned, contact Tina at Electro-Cap. Click here
Electrode wire broken
- Send to Electro-Cap for repairs (Warranty information)
- You may repair it yourself if you are skilled
- Workaround: Use Quick Insert electrode wire to connect to the electrode
Poor connection/Channel indicators blinking
Things to check:
- Is the ground ( AFZ) gelled?
- Are all placements listed under active and reference columns gelled?
- Are the correct placements gelled?
- Are there air pockets or gaps in the cap/ on scull where the placements are?
- Are all slots chosen correctly in the multiplexer, or have the right quick insert configuration?
- Are the ear clips on if they are listed as references?
- Is the link button on if L or C is listed beside the references?