LIFE Game Updates | BioExplorer
LIFE Game updates for game, design, audio

Changelog for the latest LIFE Game updates for nIR HEG in BioExplorer. A history will be kept for future reference.
Download your updates at or if you have a ShareFile account setup,
June 9, 2021
Design released for use without FLASH. Uses video or BxShadow.
November 11, 2019
Updated installer process
April 16, 2019 Version 1.7
NEW Simpler design interface with less confusion. Just “Capture” and Start the game to begin. No need to select training site. If you prefer to keep the old version DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS NEW VERSION 1.7.
February 20, 2019
Included instruction for Optima+ Capture Baseline to click two times
Revised LIFE Quick Start printable reference sheet
December 10, 2018
Added design for Optima+ 4
February 6, 2018
Small addition to manual regarding training numbers
December 14, 2017
There are not changes in the LIFE files, only the instruction manuals and file structure.
*With this update you will find designs, reports, sessions in the same place – Documents\BioExplorer.
*Instructional documents, drivers, etc. will be in the same place – Documents\Brain-Trainer\Help.
*Brain-Trainer tools like TQ7.5, graphing files, LIFE Cycle tracking, Subj Assess will be in Documents\Brain-Trainer. This is a change from before as they were in different places. Now they can all be found in a single location.
*In order that we may pre-load flash and audio files into designs for your convenience, flash and audio files will be in C:\Program Files (x86)\BioExplorer\Flash and C:\Program Files (x86)\BioExplorer\Media. Most users will not notice this. They were previously in C:\Program Files (x86)\BioExplorer, not inside folders.
Documents\Brain-Trainer (with shortcut)
*** LIFE Cycle (session record)
*** LIFE Graph (session tracking)
*** Documents\Brain-Trainer\Help
++++++ User Guides
++++++ Drivers
++++++ READ ME files
*** Documents\BioExplorer\Designs
*** Documents\BioExplorer\Reports
*** Documents\BioExplorer\Sessions (with shortcut)
++++++ Client Folders
C:\Program Files (x86)\BioExplorer
*** C:\Program Files (x86)\BioExplorer\Flash
*** C:\Program Files (x86)\BioExplorer\Media
++++++ BioExplorer sounds
++++++ LIFE coaching files (with shortcut)
October 31, 2017
Update for convenience only. No changes have been made in the game.
FIX: Audio and flash files may not have loaded with the new BioExplorer folders’ location.
October 4, 2017
NOTICE: BioExplorer version is now available for download:
Bug Fix: Instrument captions sometimes did not display.
Bug Fix: Issues regarding load time and memory usage with large designs.
Change: BioExplorer’s document folders (Designs, Sessions, etc.) now default to the user’s Documents folder in Windows.
Use the default installation.
The latest Brain-Trainer LIFE installer will place user folders in Documents (not C as before). We recommend you reinstall BioExplorer’s new version and run the Brain-Trainer installers.
August 12, 2017
Added “Current Ratio” meter to Trainee screen
Updated LIFE audio coaching file icons on desktop
September 11, 2016 v. 1.6.3
Added German audio coaching files
Updated German design translation
April 6, 2016
Added German language
Flash Control Panel file: life_game_cp_3.93.swf
LIFE Graph is now consolidated into one multi-language file with English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and German.
LIFE Cycle is now in a single multi-language file.
“Loading…please wait…” message replaced with animated loading icon as languages are not loaded at that time.
CLOSE button in HELP section now translates to languages properly.
February 27, 2016
LIFE Graph.xlsm: Changed high and low graphs’ axis range to automatic
February 23, 2016
FIX: Flash players did not have most current flash screen loaded and required user to reload
Manual: Additional section in English version on understanding statistics.
September 16, 2015
FIX: Trainee flash screen did not show AI Points
September 12, 2015
FIX: English language designs audio coach buttons toggle between on and off.
September 11, 2015
– Option to turn off Autostop or change the time
– New animal set option for South American animals
– Language options: English, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish
– FIX: Script error
August 9, 2015 v1.6
Replaced audio coach shortcuts on desktop.
Fix: Life graphing files now work on computers using comma as decimal separator.
August 1, 2015
Added designs for languages Portuguese, Spanish and Italian.
Revised Instruments interface to simplify use showing 3 top values for measuring progress: AI points/minute, game points/minute and high-low range of activation/deactivation.
Added buttons for audio coaching files.
Life graphing file highlights top 3 values for measuring progress.
Added translations for Life graphing in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian.
March 23, 2015 v1.6
Replaced Q-wiz and X-wiz designs with a single Wiz design for both amplifiers. Q-wiz still requires 4 Channel setting and X-wiz still requires EEG setting in the BioExplorer Wiz window.
March 20, 2015
New design layout for easier settings control
LIFE Cycle file for recording session training time
Expanded instruction manual to include LIFE Cycle instructions and a one-page Quick Start guide for easy reference.
Audio coaching files are now separate from the design with shortcuts on the desktop, so you can listen to them any time before or during a session.