The Neurofeedback Training Problem: Regardless of how the EEG assessment is done, most brains show multiple areas of potential neurofeedback training in a linked system of patterns. Z-score training attempts to train all identified sites/measures to the population average. Other systems identify one or a few protocols and sites to change the whole pattern. What […]
Introduction to HEG Training HEG, or HemoEncephaloGraphy, is training aimed at increasing blood levels and blood oxygenation to improve the metabolic capacity of parts of the brain. It’s primarily done on the pre-frontal cortex, which is the executive center of the brain. One of the major benefits of HEG over EEG training is that it […]
A clean signal free of artifact is essential to getting good data for a Brain-Trainer assessment. The four sections below cover 1) recognizing a good signal, 2) discussion of signal issues, 3) minimizing artifact and 4) electrical mains interference. Watch the video and read the discussion below. Remember to refer to this page when you have […]
With or without knowing HOW you can begin to control, for short periods of time, the target activity. For a sample session we suggest a simple session watching the “Inhibit” target bar and trying to keep the colored signal bar below the target line as much as possible. Connect amplifier to computer Connect your amplifier […]
You will need a training plan to guide your training. You can develop one on your own if you have the knowledge and experience or have us develop it. Purchase Whole-Brain Training Plan service first For users without TQ8 Trainer’s Q Complete Client Report If you have a mentor, he/she will give you a link […]
Difficult reactions to training Are C4, T3, T4 and P4 all fast? It can be nice to top off the heavy-duty protocol with C3-C4 or C4-A2 or T3-T4 SMR% up for 5-8 minutes to stabilize (if it’s appropriate, e.g. fast right side).
The MVC design is specifically to be used for those who are “difficult” or “stuck” clients and decisions are to be made based on the QEEG. It is still somewhat experimental and we are still learning about it ourselves. Here is an interesting video: It is often used on the right hemisphere for clients […]
SMR is always trained with eyes open. Finding the optimal frequency Adults In adults, alpha is expected to have its peak at 10 Hz in a band from 8-12 Hz, so SMR is likely to be around 12-15 Hz. However some feel more comfortable lowering it a bit to 11.5 to 14.5 or 11 to […]