2 BT2 Software

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BT2 Manual

Current version: 2.25 Introduction Brain-Trainer 2 (BT2) is designed to increase flexibility in a wide range of habitual brain energy habits using a variety of types of feedback to guide lasting real world changes in cognition, mood, control, physical functions and performance. BT2 software receives data from an amplifier and processes it to present visual […]

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BT2 Troubleshooting

Known Issues Controls – Sometimes it’s difficult to click on specific buttons, both in thresholds and in the configuration panel. Temporary solution: Try clicking on different parts of the button. Usually, it will work by clicking on any of its corners. Display – If the text of the display is crowded and distorted, you may […]

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TQ Assessment Gathering in BT2

Below are instructions on performing the TQ assessment with BT2. For more information on the TQ assessment, please see the BT2 online manual. Preparing to record the TQ Assessment Configure Settings Apply Electrodes Place cap and insert saline-saturated electrodes. Or place electrodes as normal if not using a cap. Placing Ground and Reference Electrodes Placing […]

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BT2 CON: Phase Sync

Phase Sync sums the EEG signal in the 4 channels in the different bands. This is how DMN4C works in BioExplorer (Default Mode Network) with AFZ Pz P3 P4. Sync trains coherence and phase. Regarding training with the CON Phase Sync design, one of the advantages is that the phase lag calculation is based on […]

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Games for BT2

Gold of Mine Contingent feedback makes the character move when all thresholds are met. Continuous feedback makes the coins change their size. When the brain does well, the coins are bigger and score more points. Sustainment if sustain more than 1 second the character moves faster. Geyser Keep the geyser above the level for some […]

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BT2 Updates

Updating the software Just use the program as usual, and the new version will be downloaded in the background. Viewing the changelog Open Settings in the software. Open the System tab. Under “Update status” click the version link. This will open the changelog window.