About User manual is included in the user’s documentation package (pointed by a link given on the card attached to the device). Download supporting files for future reference. Neurobit Optima Instruction Manual by Neurobit Optima/Optima+ setup guide by Neurobit Settings for Optima+ 4 in Brain-Trainer for BioEra software Settings for Optima+ 4 in BioExplorer software […]
Avoiding issues Start with Setup In today’s challenging Windows 10 environment, there are some steps one can take to minimize or remedy difficulties in operating BioExplorer. Below are some steps to take when installing BioExplorer to reduce problems. Program fails to launch or Design failed to open If BioExplorer fails to launch or designs fail […]
Not Connected in software It is normal behavior that as long as the Neurobit settings window is open, the software is not connected to the Optima. Check that you connected the Optima cable and turned it on. Check Neurobit Optima settings. Device Model (e.g. Neurobit Optima+ 4 USB) If correct device is not shown in […]
50/60 Hz Electrical Interference, new issue If your signal was clean in the past and now has a new electrical intereference issue, it may be the the electrodes are not clean. Use an orange stick to carefully clean each electrode. If you’d like to have the cap professionally cleaned, contact Tina at Electro-Cap. Click here […]
Connect USB dongle key. USB dongle key must be plugged in. BioExplorer software will not run without the USB key. Open BioExplorer BioExplorer Program Opened No design has been loaded yet. After you have run your setup file(s) provided by Brain-Trainer you are ready to connect your biofeedback device (amplifier). Connect Optima device to […]