LIFE/HEG Troubleshooting | BioExplorer

Blank screen, no control panel or landscape


  1. Run latest LIFE setup file
  2. Open design from Documents \ BioExplorer \ Designs

See Loading flash files:

Flash storage message

Solution:  Change flash storage settings

Failed to create Flash Player. Macromedia Flash version … must be installed.

  1. Close BioExplorer.
  2. Follow instructions on restoring flash.
  3. Open BioExplorer again.

Flash files not fully loaded

Ratio number 0, no activity

Solution: Select site button to train (left, center, right) if using LIFE 1.6

No signal at all

Solution: Select Window | Signal Diagram and open Source 1 properties (orange object) and select your HEG device (amplifier).

Game not playing, brain man not walking

Solution: Start in the following order: 1. Start data flow (Capture), 2. Start game (Start), 3. Capture baseline

Cannot see the ground/terrain (Optima+)

Select Options and set Multiplier to 1.

Brain man goes in the water when he should be climbing

When near the start of the session, wait to let the signal even out. Then click Capture Baseline again to set a new start point. It persistent, try diving first (DIVE NOW).

Game dives when it should be climbing

  • Optima+: Click “Capture Baseline” a second time
  • Q-wiz: Use 4 Channel Mode (in Wiz window)
  • X-wiz: Use EEG Mode (in Wiz window)

Ratio/HEG signal has strange numbers

  • Optima+: Ratio numbers up to 200 may be normal
  • Pendant/Pocket: Assure that you have selected the button for your device in the upper corner of the design for correct calibration
  • If using in other than USA, Change Regional and Language option settings.

Signal does not calibrate

  • Unplug Wiz and reconnect
  • Headband or headband cable may be defective

HEG Signal is in range of -200 – -250s

Update to latest LIFE version. This was caused by an update and is corrected.
Without the update, a change to the Source object is required: Window > Signal Diagram > Double-click orange Source 1 > Under Channel select PN Wiz (CH3 for HEG). Save design.

Signal fluctuating wildly

Man goes up suddenly high, down suddenly low.

  • This is artifact. It can happen when the headband is moved or the trainee moves muscles in the forehead.
  • Headband or headband cable may be defective

Signal flat lines or timer not running | Peanut

Select Window | Signal Diagram | right-click and select Properties. Select PN Pendant EEG Ch 1

Intermittent connection

Headband or headband cable may be defective