1 Brain-Trainer Software & Devices

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How to update Brain-Trainer for BioEra

Updating the software It is important that you close the main program (BioEra) during the updating download/installation process when prompted. Click the Brain-Trainer icon at the bottom left. This opens the updater. When you run BT4BE Updater, it will tell if there is a new version available. Press y (yes) and press the Enter key […]

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BT4BE – How to perform the TQ assessment

Performing the TQ 4C or 4C assessment (standard) Assessment files are saved to C:\Brain-Trainer for BioEra\session by default. Select TQ to open the sub menu. Then select TQ 4C for 4-channel assessment or 2C for 2-channel assessment. You may download instructions specific to your device and sensor configuration. Optima+ 4 with Electro-Cap (PDF) Optima+ 4 […]

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How to run an HEG session in Brain-Trainer for BioEra

Running an HEG/LIFE 2.0 Session Setup Connect your amplifier to your computer the HEG headband to your amplifier  (unplug electrodes & turn on the amplifier if needed) the headband on the head at one of the recommended positions. Look at the inside of the HEG headband. You should see a red LED indicating the headband […]

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How to play back a saved session

To play back a session, open the design that the session was recorded with. Now, click the Device menu. Select as your device “Playback.” The design will reload. Click the Device menu again. Press the […] button to navigate to the file location (folder) where your files are saved.This is C:\Brain-Trainer for BioEra\session\[client’s folder] by […]

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About MIDI feedback

The MIDI sounds are modified by the thresholds only to a certain extent. The main purpose of the MIDI is to work as a continuous feedback to the brain. The idea of the continuous feedback is to function as a mirror that reflects everything the brain is doing. It focuses not on whether the amplitude […]

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How to save and load saved protocols

See video below on how to save pre-set protocols. Saved protocols for clients created before version 1.1 will not open due to improvements in the Brain-Trainer software will not load in version 1.1. They will need to be re-saved. Open the design and select settings on a protocol. To save the protocol, when settings have […]

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How to change threshold properties

Threshold display The display range can be changed to accommodate a signal that is larger than the current display range. Right-click on the threshold itself and select “Properties.” Type in a number to change the display range to include the current range visible on the threshold. Threshold target Automatic Automatic targets will usually be set […]

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How to change click feedback

The click sound is continuous feedback information for the brain. The clicking sound appears each time the brain “scores”–that is, it meets all the targets at the same time. Its purpose is not to be “pleasing” to the client. If it is soft enough, it is not really even noticeable after a minute or two. […]

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Changing MIDI feedback

MIDI feedback, introduced by Brain-Trainer International in 1998 using WaveRider software, is a powerful tool, usable for Eyes-Closed, Eyes-Open and even Task training. It is a form of Continuous feedback, giving constant information to the brain. MIDI sounds ideally play a musical feedback, and there are default MIDI sets in each BT4BE Protocol. Some protocols […]